Alright, time for a side note from Morgan. Let me start by saying I am incredibly confused as to why I am contributing to this post. Emily, however, INSISTS that I talk about the sweater she was wearing this day. So basicly, Emily refuses to post this blog until I add a paragraph about her ridiculous attire. Confused? So am I. Well here is the run down, Emily was in a forest green sweater approximately 15 sizes to big for her adorned with a logo in the upper left corner that said something like "Camp Hope '92" This obviously rose a few question. Emily's explanation was simple enough, "Well this morning, before I drove back to Logan, I went down to a closet full of clothes my dad doesn't wear anymore and put this on." Lemme get this right, today you made the conscious decision to wear clothes that your dad won't even wear anymore, for the entire day, including school, work, and now a relief society dinner? To top if off she kept expressing how terrified she was that her dad was going to find out she was wearing it. So obviously she wants me to blog about it on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Sometimes Emily makes no sense to me, back to her story...
It didn't help that the girls sitting across from us were watching our every move. At one point they said, "You girls are hysterical!" During the dinner I turned to Anna and told her an embarrassing story that had happened to me that day. At the end of the story I said, "I swallowed my heart and it came out my butt!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the girls across put her hand over her mouth and whisper to her sister, "she just said I swallowed my heart and it came out my butt!"
For those of you who know me I have what we like to call a "honk" laugh. To our surprise there is a girl in our ward with the EXACT same laugh. It was the shock of a lifetime to be the person on the other side and hear that. What must people think of it in public places? Anyways, that night we discovered that her name is also Emily... surprise surprise. When I heard her laugh it made me honk laugh and Anna said it sounded like a pig at the slaughter house. That comment shot both of us over the moon. What made it even worse is we then turned and looked at Morgan who had some how managed to get rice in her eyebrows. Only to discover it was just particle's from the hanging decorations above her head. Those balls of yarn had been swinging across her face the entire dinner.
You two made my day! Laughing is good for heart health.
We must be related. I have also stolen my dad's clothes. Although nothing as cool as the "Camp Hope '92" sweater.
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